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Managing Panic Attacks with IFS

Panic attacks can feel like a relentless tempest, leaving you disoriented and overwhelmed. However, there is a path to help with them through Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the transformative potential of IFS and how to manage panic attacks with Internal Family Systems Therapy.

Understanding Your Internal Landscape

During a panic attack, it’s vital to acknowledge the various internal parts at play, each contributing to the experience. These parts, while they may cause discomfort, have no ill intentions. They are not characters but aspects of your inner world, each with its role and message. The turmoil they create may manifest as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or racing thoughts. By externalizing these parts, you create space between your core Self and the panic-inducing aspects, opening the door to heightened self-awareness.

Embracing Your Inner Harmony

Even within the chaos of a panic attack, you can connect with your inner harmony – the part of you that remains calm, curious, and compassionate. This harmonious aspect provides a haven of reassurance and security during the storm. Practice grounding techniques such as deep breathing, focusing on your senses, or reciting soothing affirmations. By intentionally accessing your inner harmony, you can counterbalance the turbulent sensations of a panic attack.

Dialogue Within

To regain your centre, initiate an internal dialogue. Start by conducting a body scan, from head to toe, asking questions as you go:

  • What has been stirred within me?
  • What emotions am I experiencing?
  • Where is the tension in my body?

Once you’ve connected with your inner harmony, engage in a compassionate conversation with the parts responsible for the panic attack. Approach them with curiosity, asking about their intentions and concerns. Questions like “What are you trying to protect me from?” or “How can I support you in this moment?” promote an empathetic exploration of the emotions and experiences that trigger panic attacks.

Acknowledging and Appreciating Your Protectors

As you engage in a compassionate conversation with your internal parts, it’s important to recognize that even those parts responsible for triggering panic attacks are, in their way, attempting to protect you. As they are known in IFS therapy, these protectors often have well-intentioned motives, even if their methods lead to distress. While it may not be immediately evident, their primary concern is your well-being. As you interact with these protectors, express gratitude and reassurance. Let them know that you understand their role and are dedicated to addressing their concerns more effectively. This approach fosters unity and cooperation among your internal aspects, ultimately leading to a harmonious coexistence within your inner world.

Self-compassion as a Lifeline

During and after a panic attack, practising self-compassion is paramount. Remember that enduring a panic attack doesn’t define your worth or strength. Embrace self-care activities such as gentle movement, journaling, or contacting a supportive friend.

When to Seek Professional Support

While incorporating IFS techniques can be immensely valuable during a panic attack, remember that these episodes can be complex and may require more extensive support. You can work with Dr. Gabe, who has helped many clients through even the darkest moments of their lives with IFS. Dr. Gabe is a trusted, experienced, supervised, informed IFS therapist who can guide you.

In Conclusion

Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy provides a framework for navigating panic attacks with self-awareness, compassion, and healing. By recognizing and externalizing your internal parts, connecting with your inner harmony, engaging in internal dialogue, expressing gratitude and reassurance, practising self-compassion, and seeking professional support when needed, you can effectively manage and reduce the impact of panic attacks. Healing is a journey that takes time and patience, and IFS techniques are invaluable tools in your quest for greater well-being.


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