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Appreciating and Celebrating Your Authentic Self

We sometimes grapple with imposter syndrome. In other words, that familiar feeling that we might not quite fit. We may feel that we must adjust to belong.  To avoid such feelings, we adapt, fine-tune ourselves and ease that nagging feeling of not measuring up. However, within this internal conflict, one intriguing question comes to mind. How much can we achieve when we repress our authentic selves?

The secret to a happier, healthier life is to change our environment rather than changing who we are. 

Costs of Changing Who We Are

We will always pay costs when we compromise our authentic selves to fit into an environment that does not align with our values. For instance, we may: 

  1. Blocking Your Full Potential: Each of us possesses a unique set of qualities, skills, and perspectives. In the effort to fit into spaces that do not appreciate what you can, being at the table will limit your potential. Moreover, you will need to explore such potential. Instead, find an environment that nurtures your individuality, ideas and skills.
  2. Facing Burnout: Maintaining a facade and worrying about keeping it up with the expectations of others always creates burnout. Being your authentic self reduces weariness and avoids the risks of depression and anxiety. So, immersing yourself in environments where your authentic self is accepted and celebrated is crucial. 
  3. Endangering Success: Long-lasting success is always an equation in which embracing your authentic self is the independent variable. Prioritizing an environment that does not support your authenticity means focusing only on achieving goals set by others at your own expense. How much longer are you willing to postpone your aspirations while fulfilling the desires of others? Is it worth sacrificing your success for the sake of conformity? Instead, look for empowering spaces where you can genuinely flourish.

Choosing Your Authentic Self Over Conformity

Ask yourself a straightforward question: “Do I feel driven to change who I am, or am I respected for being myself in this space?” The answer will help you to determine whether it is worth being part of or not of such space. 

As you contemplate your choices, consider if you can reshape your surroundings rather than change who you are. Sometimes, this is impossible, so there is incredible power in looking for new spaces and opportunities that can celebrate your authenticity. In these environments, you can truly thrive, liberated from the restrictions of conformity.

If you need support to find and maintain your authentic self without feeling that you must compromise because of anxiety, fears, childhood experiences, and conditioning, please contact me as Act Right Now COunselling. I will be happy to help you change your life. 

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